Publications of K. Nordstroem

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Willing, E.-M.; Rawat, V.; Mandakova, T.; Maumus, F.; James, G. V.; Nordstroem, K.; Becker, C.; Warthmann, N.; Chica, C.; Szarzynska, B. et al.: Genome expansion of Arabis alpina linked with retrotransposition and reduced symmetric DNA methylation. Nature Plants 1 (2), UNSP 14023, pp. 1 - 7 (2015)
Journal Article
Berns, M. C.; Nordstroem, K.; Cremer, F.; Toth, R.; Hartke, M.; Simon, S.; Klasen, J. R.; Buerstel, I.; Coupland, G.: Evening Expression of Arabidopsis GIGANTEA Is Controlled by Combinatorial Interactions among Evolutionarily Conserved Regulatory Motifs. The Plant Cell 26 (10), pp. 3999 - 4018 (2014)
Journal Article
Villajuana Bonequi, M.; Elrouby, N.; Nordstroem, K.; Griebel, T.; Bachmair, A.; Coupland, G.: Elevated salicylic acid levels conferred by increased expression of ISOCHORISMATE SYNTHASE 1 contribute to hyperaccumulation of SUMO1 conjugates in the Arabidopsis mutant early in short days 4. The Plant Journal 79 (2), pp. 206 - 219 (2014)
Journal Article
Bergonzi, S.; Albani, M.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; Nordstroem, K.; Wang, R.; Schneeberger, K.; Moerland, P. D.; Coupland, G.: Mechanisms of Age-Dependent Response to Winter Temperature in Perennial Flowering of Arabis alpina. Science 340 (6136), pp. 1094 - 1097 (2013)
Journal Article
James, G. V.; Patel, V.; Nordstroem, K.; Klasen, J. R.; Salome, P. A.; Weigel, D.; Schneeberger, K.: User guide for mapping-by-sequencing in Arabidopsis. Genome Biology: Biology for the Post-Genomic Era 14 (6), R61 (2013)
Journal Article
Nordstroem, K.; Albani, M.; James, G. V.; Gutjahr, C.; Hartwig, B.; Turck, F.; Paszkowski, U.; Coupland, G.; Schneeberger, K.: Mutation identification by direct comparison of whole-genome sequencing data from mutant and wild-type individuals using k-mers. Nature biotechnology 31 (4), pp. 325 - 330 (2013)
Journal Article
Galvao, V. C.; Nordstroem, K.; Lanz, C.; Sulz, P.; Mathieu, J.; Pose, D.; Schmid, M.; Weigel, D.; Schneeberger, K.: Synteny-based mapping-by-sequencing enabled by targeted enrichment. The Plant Journal 71 (3), pp. 517 - 526 (2012)
Journal Article
O'Connell, R. J.; Thon, M. R.; Hacquard, S.; Amyotte, S. G.; Kleemann, J.; Torres, M. F.; Damm, U.; Buiate, E. A.; Epstein, L.; Alkan, N. et al.: Lifestyle transitions in plant pathogenic Colletotrichum fungi deciphered by genome and transcriptome analyses. Nature Genetics 44 (9), pp. 1060 - + (2012)
Journal Article
Torti, S.; Fornara, F.; Vincent, C.; Andrés, F.; Nordstroem, K.; Goebel, U.; Knoll, D.; Schoof, H.; Coupland, G.: Analysis of the Arabidopsis Shoot Meristem Transcriptome during Floral Transition Identifies Distinct Regulatory Patterns and a Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein That Promotes Flowering. Plant Cell 24 (2), pp. 444 - 462 (2012)