Publications of F. Kümmel

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Leng, Y.; Kümmel, F.; Zhao, M.; Molnár, I.; Doležel, J.; Logemann, E.; Koechner, P.; Xi, P.; Yang, S.; Moscou, M. J. et al.: A barley MLA immune receptor is activated by a fungal nonribosomal peptide effector for disease susceptibility. New Phytologist 245, pp. 1197 - 1215 (2025)
Journal Article
Ma, S.; An, C.; Lawson, A. W.; Cao, Y.; Sun, Y.; Tan, E. Y. J.; Pan, J.; Jirschitzka, J.; Kümmel, F.; Mukhi, N. et al.: Oligomerization-mediated autoinhibition and cofactor binding of a plant NLR. Nature 632, pp. 869 - 876 (2024)
Journal Article
Cao, Y.; Kümmel, F.; Logemann, E.; Gebauer, J. M.; Lawson, A. W.; Yu, D.; Uthoff, M.; Keller, B.; Jirschitzka, J.; Baumann, U. et al.: Structural polymorphisms within a common powdery mildew effector scaffold as a driver of coevolution with cereal immune receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (32), e2307604120 (2023)
Journal Article
Kusch, S.; Qian, J.; Loos, A.; Kümmel, F.; Spanu, P. D.; Panstruga, R.: Long-term and rapid evolution in powdery mildew fungi. Molecular Ecology (2023)
Journal Article
Saur, I. M. L.; Bauer, S.; Kracher, B.; Lu, X.; Frantzeskakis, L.; Müller, M. C.; Sabelleck, B.; Kümmel, F.; Panstruga, R.; Maekawa, T. et al.: Multiple pairs of allelic MLA immune receptor-powdery mildew AVRA effectors argue for a direct recognition mechanism. eLife 8, e44471 (2019)

Preprint (1)

Leng, Y.; Kümmel, F.; Zhao, M.; Molnár, I.; Doležel, J.; Logemann, E.; Koechner, P.; Xi, P.; Yang, S.; Moscou, M. J. et al.: A barley MLA receptor is targeted by a non-ribosomal peptide effector of the necrotrophic spot blotch fungus for disease susceptibility. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2023.12.13.571418 (2023)