Publications of M. Cerise

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Cerise, M.: Pathway to Independence - an interview with Martina Cerise. Development 151 (5), dev204228 (2024)
Journal Article
de Ollala, E. B. G.; Cerise, M.; Rodriguez Maroto, G.; Casanova-Ferrer, P.; Vayssières, A.; Severing, E.; Lopez Sampere, Y.; Wang, K.; Schaefer, S.; Formosa-Jordan, P. et al.; Coupland, G.: Coordination of shoot apical meristem shape and identity by APETALA2 during floral transition in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 15 (1), 6930 (2024)
Journal Article
Cerise, M.; da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Rodriguez Maroto, G.; Signol, A.; Severing, E.; Gao, H.; van Driel, A.; Vincent, C.; Wilkens, S.; Iacobini, F. et al.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Pajoro, A.; Coupland, G.: Two modes of gene regulation by TFL1 mediate its dual function in flowering time and shoot determinacy of Arabidopsis. Development 150 (23), dev202089 (2023)
Journal Article
Giaume, F.; Bono, G. A.; Martignago, D.; Miao, Y.; Vicentini, G.; Toriba, T.; Wang, R.; Kong, D.; Cerise, M.; Chirivi, D. et al.; Biancucci, M.; Khahani, B.; Morandini, P.; Tameling, W.; Martinotti, M.; Goretti, D.; Coupland, G.; Kater, M.; Brambilla, V.; Miki, D.; Kyozuka, J.; Fornara, F.: Two florigens and a florigen-like protein form a triple regulatory module at the shoot apical meristem to promote reproductive transitions in rice. Nature Plants 9 (4), pp. 525 - 534 (2023)
Journal Article
Sang, Q.; Vayssières, A.; O'Maoiléidigh, D. S.; Yang, X.; Vincent, C.; Garica de Ollala, E. B.; Cerise, M.; Franzen, R.; Coupland, G.: MicroRNA172 controls inflorescence meristem size through regulation of APETALA2 in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 235 (1), pp. 356 - 371 (2022)
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