Publications of A. Wanke

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
van Boerdonk, S.; Saake, P.; Wanke, A.; Neumann, U.; Zuccaro, A.: b-Glucan-binding proteins are key modulators of immunity and symbiosis in mutualistic plant-microbe interactions. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 81, 102610 (2024)
Journal Article
Wanke, A.; van Boerdonk, S.; Mahdi, L. K.; Wawra, S.; Neidert, M.; Chandrasekar, B.; Saake, P.; Saur, I. M. L.; Derbyshire, P.; Holton, N. et al.; Menke, F. L. H.; Brands, M.; Pauly, M.; Acosta, I.; Zipfel, C.; Zuccaro, A.: A GH81-type β-glucan-binding protein enhances colonization by mutualistic fungi in barley. Current Biology 33 (23), pp. 5071 - 5084.e7 (2023)
Journal Article
Chandrasekar, B.; Wanke, A.; Wawra, S.; Saake, P.; Mahdi, L.; Charura, N.; Neidert, M.; Poschmann, G.; Malisic, M.; Thiele, M. et al.; Stuehler, K.; Dama, M.; Pauly, M.; Zuccaro, A.: Fungi hijack a ubiquitous plant apoplastic endoglucanase to release a ROS scavenging beta-glucan decasaccharide to subvert immune responses. Plant Cell 34 (7), pp. 2765 - 2784 (2022)
Journal Article
Vanacore, A.; Vitiello, G.; Wanke, A.; Cavasso, D.; Clifton, L. A.; Mahdi, L.; Campanero-Rhodes, M. A.; Solís, D.; Wuhrer, M.; Nicolardi, S. et al.; Molinaro, A.; Marchetti, R.; Zuccaro, A.; Paduano, L.; Silipo, A.: Lipopolysaccharide O-antigen molecular and supramolecular modifications of plant root microbiota are pivotal for host recognition. Carbohydrate Polymers 277, 118839 (2022)
Journal Article
Wanke, A.; Malisic, M.; Wawra, S.; Zuccaro, A.: Unraveling the sugar code: the role of microbial extracellular glycans in plant-microbe interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany 72, pp. 15 - 35 (2021)
Journal Article
Wanke, A.; Rovenich, H.; Schwanke, F.; Velte, S.; Becker, S.; Hehemann, J.-H.; Wawra, S.; Zuccaro, A.: Plant species-specific recognition of long and short beta-1,3-linked glucans is mediated by different receptor systems. The Plant Journal 102, pp. 1142 - 1156 (2020)
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