Publications of P. Mishra

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Mishra, P.; Roggen, A.; Ljung, K.; Albani, M.; Vayssières, A.: Adventitious rooting in response to long-term cold: a possible mechanism of clonal growth in alpine perennials. Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1352830 (2024)
Journal Article
Mishra, P.; Roggen, A.; Ljung, K.; Albani, M.: Natural variation in adventitious rooting in the alpine perennial Arabis alpina. Plants 9 (2), E184 (2020)
Journal Article
Vayssières, A.; Mishra, P.; Roggen, A.; Neumann, U.; Ljung, K.; Albani, M.: Vernalization shapes shoot architecture and ensures the maintenance of dormant buds in the perennial Arabis alpina. New Phytologist 227 (1), pp. 99 - 105 (2020)

Preprint (1)

Vayssières, A.; Mishra, P.; Roggen, A.; Ponraj, U.; Neumann, U.; Theres, K.; Liung, K.; Albani, M.: Flowering behaviour in Arabis alpina ensures the maintenance of a perennating dormant bud bank. bioRxiv, 562868 (2019)
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