Publications of S. Hacquard

Journal Article (38)

Journal Article
Chesneau, G.; Herpell, J.; Garrido Oter, R.; Hacquard, S.: From synthetic communities to synthetic ecosystems: exploring causalities in plant-microbe-environment interactions. New Phytologist 245 (2), pp. 496 - 502 (2025)
Journal Article
Basak, A. K.; Piasecka, A.; Hucklenbroich, J.; Tuerksoy, G. M.; Guan, R.; Zhang, P.; Getzke, F.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Hacquard, S.; Strzalka, K. et al.; Bednarek, P.; Yamada, K.; Nakano, R. T.: ER body-resident myrosinases and tryptophan specialized metabolism modulate root microbiota assembly. New Phytologist 241, pp. 329 - 342 (2024)
Journal Article
Getzke, F.; Wang, L.; Chesneau, G.; Böhringer, N.; Mesny, F.; Denissen, N.; Wesseler, H.; Adisa, P. T.; Marner, M.; Schulze-Lefert, P. et al.; Schäberle, T. F.; Hacquard, S.: Physiochemical interaction between osmotic stress and a bacterial exometabolite promotes plant disease. Nature Communications 15, 4438 (2024)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.; Martin, F. M.: The chemical language of plant-microbe-microbe associations: an introduction to a Virtual Issue. New Phytologist 244 (3), pp. 739 - 742 (2024)
Journal Article
Getzke, F.; Hassani, M. A.; Crüsemann, M.; Malisic, M.; Zhang, P.; Ishigaki, Y.; Böhringer, N.; Jiménez Fernández, A.; Wang, L.; Ordon, J. et al.; Ma, K.-W.; Thiergart, T.; Harbort, C. J.; Wesseler, H.; Miyauchi, S.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Shirasu, K.; Schäberle, T.F.; Hacquard, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Co-functioning of bacterial exometabolites drives root microbiota establishment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (15), e2221508120 (2023)
Journal Article
Mesny, F.; Hacquard, S.; Thomma, B. P. H. J.: Co-evolution within the plant holobiont drives host performance. EMBO Reports 24 (9), e57455 (2023)
Journal Article
Vannier, N.; Mesny, F.; Getzke, F.; Chesneau, G.; Dethier, L.; Ordon, J.; Thiergart, T.; Hacquard, S.: Genome-resolved metatranscriptomics 1 reveals conserved root colonization determinants in a synthetic microbiota. Nature Communications 14, 8274 (2023)
Journal Article
Durán, P.; Ellis, T. J.; Thiergart, T.; Agren, J.; Hacquard, S.: Climate drives rhizosphere microbiome variation and divergent selection between geographically distant Arabidopsis populations. New Phytologist 236, pp. 608 - 621 (2022)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.; Wang, E.; Slater, H.; Martin, F.: Impact of global change on the plant microbiome. Special Issue 234 (6), pp. 1907 - 1909 (2022)
Journal Article
Mataigne, V.; Vannier, N.; Vandenkoornhuyse, P.; Hacquard, S.: Multi-genome metabolic modeling predicts functional inter-dependencies in the Arabidopsis root microbiome. Microbiome 10, 217 (2022)
Journal Article
Meyer, F.; Fritz, A.; Deng, Z.-L.; Koslicki, D.; Lesker, T. R.; Gurevich, A.; Robertson, G.; Alser, M.; Antipov, D.; Beghini, F. et al.; Bertrand, D.; Brito, J. J.; Brown, C. T.; Buchmann, J.; Buluc, A.; Chen, B.; Chikhi, R.; Clausen, P. T. L. C.; Cristian, A.; Dabrowski, P. W.; Darling, A. E.; Egan, R.; Eskin, E.; Georganas, E.; Goltsman, E.; Gray, M. A.; Hansen, L. H.; Hofmeyr, S.; Huang, P.; Irber, L.; Jia, H.; Jorgensen, T. S.; Kieser, S. D.; Klemetsen, T.; Kola, A.; Kolmogorov, M.; Korobeynikov, A.; Kwan, J.; LaPierre, N.; Lemaitre, C.; Li, C.; Limasset, A.; Malcher-Miranda, F.; Mangul, S.; Marcelino, V. R.; Marchet, C.; Marijon, P.; Meleshko, D.; Mende, D. R.; Milanese, A.; Nagarajan, N.; Nissen, J.; Nurk, S.; Oliker, L.; Paoli, L.; Peterlongo, P.; Piro, V. C.; Porter, J. S.; Rasmussen, S.; Rees, E. R.; Reinert, K.; Renard, B.; Robertsen, E. M.; Rosen, G. L.; Ruscheweyh, H.-J.; Sarwal, V.; Segata, N.; Seiler, E.; Shi, L.; Sun, F.; Sunagawa, S.; Sorensen, S. J.; Thomas, A.; Tong, C.; Trajkovski, M.; Tremblay, J.; Uritskiy, G.; Vicedomini, R.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Warren, A.; Willassen, N.; Yelick, K.; You, R.; Zeller, G.; Zhao, Z.; Zhu, S.; Zhu, J.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Gastmeier, P.; Hacquard, S.; Haeussler, S.; Khaledi, A.; Maechler, F.; Mesny, F.; Radutoiu, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Smit, N.; Strowig, T.; Bremges, A.; Sczyrba, A.; McHardy, A. C.: Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation: the second round of challenges. Nature Methods 19 (4), pp. 429 - 440 (2022)
Journal Article
Hou, S.; Thiergart, T.; Vannier, N.; Mesny, F.; Ziegler, J.; Pickel, B.; Hacquard, S.: A microbiota-root-shoot circuit favours Arabidopsis growth over defence under suboptimal light. Nature Plants (2021)
Journal Article
Hou, S.; Wolinska, K. W.; Hacquard, S.: Microbiota-root-shoot-environment axis and stress tolerance in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 62, 102028 (2021)
Journal Article
Mataigne, V.; Vannier, N.; Vandenkoornhuyse, P.; Hacquard, S.: Microbial Systems Ecology to Understand Cross-Feeding in Microbiomes. Frontiers in Microbiology 12 (2021)
Journal Article
Mayer, T.; Mari, A.; Almario, J.; Murillo-Roos, M.; Abdullah, H. S. M.; Dombrowski, N.; Hacquard, S.; Kemen, E. M.; Agler, M. T.: Obtaining deeper insights into microbiome diversity using a simple method to block host and nontargets in amplicon sequencing. Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (6), pp. 1952 - 1965 (2021)
Journal Article
Mesny, F.; Miyauchi, S.; Thiergart, T.; Pickel, B.; Atanasova, L.; Karlsson, M.; Huettel, B.; Barry, K.W.; Haridas, S.; Chen, C. et al.; Bauer, D.; Andreopoulos, W.; Pangilinan, J.; LaButti, K.; Riley, R.; Lipzen, A.; Clum, A.; Drula, E.; Henrissat, B.; Kohler, A.; Grigoriev, I.V.; Martin, F.M.; Hacquard, S.: Genetic determinants of endophytism in the Arabidopsis root mycobiome. Nature Communications 12, 7227 (2021)
Journal Article
Schuetz, V.; Frindte, K.; Cui, J.; Zhang, P.; Hacquard, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Knief, C.; Schulz, M.; Doermann, P.: Differential Impact of Plant Secondary Metabolites on the Soil Microbiota. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 666010 (2021)
Journal Article
Wolinska, K. W.; Vannier, N.; Thiergart, T.; Pickel, B.; Gremmen, S.; Piasecka, A.; Piślewska-Bednarek, M.; Nakano, R. T.; Belkhadir, Y.; Bednarek, P. et al.; Hacquard, S.: Tryptophan metabolism and bacterial commensals prevent fungal dysbiosis in Arabidopsis roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (49), e2111521118 (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, P.; Spaepen, S.; Bai, Y.; Hacquard, S.; Garrido-Oter, R.: Rbec: a tool for analysis of amplicon sequencing data from synthetic microbial communities. ISME Communications 73 (1), p. 1 (2021)
Journal Article
Guo, X.; Zhang, X.; Qin, Y.; Liu, Y.-X.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, N.; Wu, K.; Qu, B.; He, Z.; Wang, X. et al.; Zhang, X.; Hacquard, S.; Fu, X.; Bai, Y.: Host-Associated Quantitative Abundance Profiling Reveals the Microbial Load Variation of Root Microbiome. Plant Communications 1 (1), 100003 (2020)
Journal Article
Thiergart, T.; Durán, P.; Ellis, T.; Vannier, N.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Kemen, E.; Roux, F.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Agren, J.; Schulze-Lefert, P. et al.; Hacquard, S.: Root microbiota assembly and adaptive differentiation among European Arabidopsis populations. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (1), pp. 122 - 131 (2020)
Journal Article
Getzke, F.; Thiergart, T.; Hacquard, S.: Contribution of bacterial-fungal balance to plant and animal health. Current Opinion in Microbiology 49, pp. 66 - 72 (2019)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.: Stephane Hacquard. New Phytologist 224 (4), pp. 1442 - 1443 (2019)
Journal Article
Vannier, N.; Agler, M.; Hacquard, S.: Microbiota-mediated disease resistance in plants. PLoS Pathogens 15 (6), e1007740 (2019)
Journal Article
Deveau, A.; Bonito, G.; Uehling, J.; Paoletti, M.; Becker, M.; Bindschedler, S.; Hacquard, S.; Herve, V.; Labbe, J.; Lastovetsky, O. A. et al.; Mieszkin, S.; Millet, L. J.; Vajna, B.; Junier, P.; Bonfante, P.; Krom, B. P.; Olsson, S.; van Elsas, J. D.; Wick, L. Y.: Bacterial-fungal interactions: ecology, mechanisms and challenges. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 42 (3), fuy008, pp. 335 - 352 (2018)
Journal Article
Durán, P.; Thiergart, T.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Agler, M.T.; Kemen, E.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Hacquard, S.: Microbial Interkingdom Interactions in Roots Promote Arabidopsis Survival. Cell 175 (4), pp. 973 - + (2018)
Journal Article
Hassani, M. A.; Durán, P.; Hacquard, S.: Microbial interactions within the plant holobiont. Microbiome 6, 58 (2018)
Journal Article
Robbins, C.; Thiergart, T.; Hacquard, S.; Garrido Oter, R.; Gans, W.; Peiter, E.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Spaepen, S.: Root-associated bacterial and fungal community profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana are robust across contrasting soil P levels. Phytobiomes 2 (1), pp. 24 - 34 (2018)
Journal Article
Dombrowski, N.; Schlaeppi, K.; Agler, M.T.; Hacquard, S.; Kemen, E.; Garrido Oter, R.; Wunder, J.; Coupland, G.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Root microbiota dynamics of perennial Arabis alpina are dependent on soil residence time but independent of flowering time. The ISME Journal 11, 10.1038/ismej.2016.109, pp. 43 - 55 (2017)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.: Commentary: Microbial Small Talk: Volatiles in Fungal-Bacterial Interactions. Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 1 (2017)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.; Spaepen, S.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Interplay Between Innate Immunity and the Plant Microbiota. Annual Review of Phytopathology (55), pp. 565 - 589 (2017)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.: Disentangling the factors shaping microbiota composition across the plant holobiont. New Phytologist 209 (2), pp. 454 - 457 (2016)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.; Kracher, B.; Hiruma, K.; Muech, P. C.; Garrido Oter, R.; Thon, M. R.; Weimann, A.; Damm, U.; Dallery, J.-F.; Hainaut, M. et al.; Henrissat, B.; Lespinet, O.; Sacristan, S.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; Kemen, E.; McHardy, A. C.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; O'Connell, R. J.: Survival trade-offs in plant roots during colonization by closely related beneficial and pathogenic fungi. Nature Communications 7, 11362 (2016)
Journal Article
Hiruma, K.; Gerlach, N.; Sacristan, S.; Nakano, R. T.; Hacquard, S.; Kracher, B.; Neumann, U.; Ramirez, D.; Bucher, M.; O'Connell, R. J. et al.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Root Endophyte Colletotrichum tofieldiae Confers Plant Fitness Benefits that Are Phosphate Status Dependent. Cell 165 (2), pp. 464 - 474 (2016)
Journal Article
Takahara, H.; Hacquard, S.; Kombrink, A.; Bleddy Hughes, H.; Halder, V.; Robin, G. P.; Hiruma, K.; Neumann, U.; Shinya, T.; Kombrink, E. et al.; Shibuya, N.; Thomma, B. P. H. J.; O'Connell, R. J. O.: Colletotrichum higginsianum extracellular LysM proteins play dual roles in appressorial function and suppression of chitin-triggered plant immunity. New Phytologist 211, pp. 1323 - 1337 (2016)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.; Garrido Oter, R.; González, A.; Spaepen, S.; Ackermann, G.; Lebeis, S.; McHardy, A. C.; Dangl, J. L.; Knight, R.; Ley, R. et al.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Microbiota and Host Nutrition across Plant and Animal Kingdoms. Cell Host & Microbe 17 (5), pp. 603 - 613 (2015)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.; Schadt, C. W.: Towards a holistic understanding of the beneficial interactions across the Populus microbiome. New Phytologist, Special Issue 205 (4), pp. 1424 - 1430 (2015)
Journal Article
Hacquard, S.; Kracher, B.; Maekawa, T.; Vernaldi, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.: Mosaic genome structure of the barley powdery mildew pathogen and conservation of transcriptional programs in divergent hosts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (24), pp. E2219 - E2228 (2013)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Getzke, F.; Hacquard, S.: High-Throughput Profiling of Root-Associated Microbial Communities. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2494, pp. 325 - 337. Springer, US (2022)
Book Chapter
Hacquard, S.: The Genomics of Powdery Mildew Fungi: Past Achievements, Present Status and Future Prospects. In: Fungi, Vol. 70, pp. 109 - 142. Academic Press, London (2014)
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