Publications of M. Sagasser

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Appelhagen, I.; Huep, G.; Lu, G. H.; Strompen, G.; Weisshaar, B.; Sagasser, M.: Weird fingers: Functional analysis of WIP domain proteins. FEBS Letters 584 (14), pp. 3116 - 3122 (2010)
Journal Article
Hartmann, U.; Sagasser, M.; Mehrtens, F.; Stracke, R.; Weisshaar, B.: Differential combinatorial interactions of cis-acting elements recognized by R2R3-MYB, BZIP, and BHLH factors control light-responsive and tissue-specific activation of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis genes. Plant Molecular Biology 57 (2), pp. 155 - 171 (2005)
Journal Article
Sagasser, M.; Lu, G. H.; Hahlbrock, K.; Weisshaar, B.: A-thaliana TRANSPARENT TESTA 1 is involved in seed coat development and defines the WIP subfamily of plant zinc finger proteins. Genes & Development 16 (1), pp. 138 - 149 (2002)