Publications of S. Jang

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Romera Branchat, M.; Severing, E.; Pocard, C.; Ohr, H.; Vincent, C.; Née, G.; Martinez-Gallegos, R.; Jang, S.; Andrés Lalaguna, F.; Madrigal, P. et al.: Functional Divergence of the Arabidopsis florigen-interacting bZIP transcription factors FD and FDP. Cell Reports 31 (9), 107717 (2020)
Journal Article
Sarid-Krebs, L.; Panigrahi, K. C. S.; Fornara, F.; Takahashi, Y.; Hayama, R.; Jang, S.; Tilmes, V.; Valverde, F.; Coupland, G.: Phosphorylation of CONSTANS and its COP1-dependent degradation during photoperiodic flowering of Arabidopsis. The Plant journal: for cell and molecular biology 84 (3), pp. 451 - 63 (2015)
Journal Article
Jang, S.; Torti, S.; Coupland, G.: Genetic and spatial interactions between FT, TSF and SVP during the early stages of floral induction in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 60 (4), pp. 614 - 625 (2009)
Journal Article
Jang, S.; Marchal, V.; Panigrahi, K. C. S.; Wenkel, S.; Soppe, W.; Deng, X.-W.; Valverde, F.; Coupland, G.: Arabidopsis COP1 shapes the temporal pattern of CO accumulation conferring a photoperiodic flowering response. EMBO Journal 27, pp. 1277 - 1288 (2008)
Journal Article
Corbesier, L.; Vincent, C.; Jang, S.; Fornara, F.; Fan, Q.; Searle, I.; Giakountis, A.; Farrona, S.; Gissot, L.; Turnbull, C. et al.: FT Protein Movement Contributes to Long-Distance Signaling in Floral Induction of Arabidopsis. Science 316, pp. 1030 - 1033 (2007)
Journal Article
Laubinger, S.; Marchal, V.; Le Gourrierec, J.; Wenkel, S.; Adrian, J.; Jang, S.; Kulajta, C.; Braun, H.; Coupland, G.; Hoecker, U.: Arabidopsis SPA proteins regulate photoperiodic flowering and interact with the floral inducer CONSTANS to regulate its stability. Development 133, pp. 3213 - 3222 (2006)