Publications of J. Kleemann

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Takahara, H.; Yamaguchi, S.; Omura, N.; Nakajima, S.; Otoku, K.; Tanaka, S.; Ogura, K.; Kleemann, J.; O'Connell, R.: The Colletotrichum higginsianum secreted effector protein ChEC91 induces plant cell death. Journal of General Plant Pathology 87 (6), pp. 344 - 353 (2021)
Journal Article
Robin, G. P.; Kleemann, J.; Neumann, U.; Cabre, L.; Dallery, J.-F.; Lapalu, N.; O'Connell, R.J.: Subcellular localization screening of Colletotrichum higginsianum effector candidates identifies fungal proteins targeted to plant peroxisomes, Golgi bodies, and microtubules. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 562 (2018)
Journal Article
Kleemann, J.; Rincon Rivera, L. J.; Takahara, H.; Neumann, U.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; van der Does, H. C.; Hacquard, S.; Stueber, K.; Will, I.; Schmalenbach, W. et al.: Sequential Delivery of Host-Induced Virulence Effectors by Appressoria and Intracellular Hyphae of the Phytopathogen Colletotrichum higginsianum. PLoS Pathogens 8 (4), e1002643 (2012)
Journal Article
O'Connell, R. J.; Thon, M. R.; Hacquard, S.; Amyotte, S. G.; Kleemann, J.; Torres, M. F.; Damm, U.; Buiate, E. A.; Epstein, L.; Alkan, N. et al.: Lifestyle transitions in plant pathogenic Colletotrichum fungi deciphered by genome and transcriptome analyses. Nature Genetics 44 (9), pp. 1060 - + (2012)
Journal Article
Spanu, P. D.; Abbott, J. C.; Amselem, J. l.; Burgis, T. A.; Soanes, D. M.; Stueber, K.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; Brown, J. K. M.; Butcher, S. A.; Gurr, S. J. et al.: Genome expansion and gene loss in powdery mildew fungi reveal functional tradeoffs in extreme parasitism. Science 330, pp. 1543 - 1546 (2010)
Journal Article
Kleemann, J.; Takahara, H.; Stueber, K.; O'Connell, R.: Identification of soluble secreted proteins from appressoria of Colletotrichum higginsianum by analysis of expressed sequence tags. Microbiology 154, pp. 1204 - 1217 (2008)