Publications of T. Schlueter

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Yotsui, I.; Matsui, H.; Miyauchi, S.; Iwakawa, H.; Melkonian, K.; Schlueter, T.; Michavila, S.; Kanazawa, T.; Nomura, Y.; Stolze, S. C. et al.; Jeon, H.-W.; Yan, Y.; Harzen, A.; Sugano, S. S.; Shirakawa, M.; Nishihama, R.; Ichihashi, Y.; Gimenez Ibanez, S.; Shirasu, K.; Ueda, T.; Kohchi, T.; Nakagami, H.: LysM-mediated signaling in Marchantia polymorpha highlights the conservation of pattern-triggered immunity in land plants. Current Biology (2023)
Journal Article
Matsumoto, A.; Schlueter, T.; Melkonian, K.; Takeda, A.; Nakagami, H.; Mine, A.: A versatile Tn7 transposon-based bioluminescence tagging tool for quantitative and spatial detection of bacteria in plants. Plant Communications 3 (1), 100227 (2022)
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