Publications of S. Laurent

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Hu, Z.; Wilson Sánchez, D.; Bhatia, N.; Rast, M. I.; Wu, A.; Vlad, D.; McGuire, L.; Nikolov, L. A.; Laufs, P.; Gan, X. et al.; Laurent, S.; Runions, A.; Tsiantis, M.: A CUC1/auxin genetic module links cell polarity to patterned tissue growth and leaf shape diversity in crucifer plants. PNAS 121 (26), e2321877121 (2024)
Journal Article
Li, X.-M.; Jenke, H.; Strauss, S.; Bazakos, C.; Mosca, G.; Lymbouridou, R.; Kierzkowski, D.; Neumann, U.; Naik, P.; Huijser, P. et al.; Laurent, S.; Smith, R. S.; Runions, A.; Tsiantis, M.: Cell-cycle-linked growth reprogramming encodes developmental time into leaf morphogenesis. Current Biology 34, pp. 541 - 556.e515 (2024)
Journal Article
Baumgarten, L.; Pieper, B.; Song, B.; Mane, S.; Lempe, J.; Lamb, J.; Cooke, E. L.; Srivastava, R.; Struett, S.; Zanko, D. et al.; Casimiro, P. G. P.; Hallab, A.; Cartolano, M.; Tattersall, A. D.; Huettel, B.; Filatov, D. A.; Pavlidis, P.; Neuffer, B.; Bazakos, C.; Schaefer, H.; Mott, R.; Gan, X.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Laurent, S.; Tsiantis, M.: Pan-European study of genotypes and phenotypes in the Arabidopsis relative Cardamine hirsuta reveals how adaptation, demography, and development shape diversity patterns. PLoS Biology 21 (7), e3002191 (2023)
Journal Article
Kolesnikova, U. K.; Scott, A. D.; Van de Velde, J. D.; Burns, R.; Tikhomirov, N. P.; Pfordt, U.; Clarke, A. C.; Yant, L.; Seregin, A. P.; Vekemans, X. et al.; Laurent, S.; Novikova, P. Y.: Transition to Self-compatibility Associated With Dominant S-allele in a Diploid Siberian Progenitor of Allotetraploid Arabidopsis kamchatica Revealed by Arabidopsis lyrata Genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (7), msad122 (2023)
Journal Article
Srivastava, R.; Bazakos, C.; Tsachaki, M.; Zanko, D.; Kalantidis, K.; Tsiantis, M.; Laurent, S.: Genealogical Analyses of 3 Cultivated and 1 Wild Specimen of Vitis vinifera from Greece. Genome Biology and Evolution 15 (12), evad226 (2023)
Journal Article
Strütt, S.; Sellinger, T.; Glémin, S.; Tellier, A.; Laurent, S.: Joint inference of evolutionary transitions to self-fertilization and demographic history using whole-genome sequences. eLife 12, e82384 (2023)
Journal Article
Joshi, M.; Kapopoulou, A.; Laurent, S.: Impact of Genetic Variation in Gene Regulatory Sequences: A Population Genomics Perspective. Frontiers in Genetics 12, 660899 (2021)
Journal Article
Winkelmueller, T. M.; Entila, F.; Anver, S.; Piasecka, A.; Song, B.; Dahms, E.; Sakakibara, H.; Gan, X.; Kułak, K.; Sawikowska, A. et al.; Krajewski, P.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Tsiantis, M.; Fukushima, K.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Laurent, S.; Bednarek, P.; Tsuda, K.: Gene expression evolution in pattern-triggered immunity within Arabidopsis thaliana and across Brassicaceae species. The Plant Cell, koab073 (2021)
Journal Article
Harris, R. B.; Irwin, K.; Jones, M. R.; Laurent, S.; Barrett, R. D. H.; Nachman, M. W.; Good, J.M.; Linnen, C. R.; Jensen, J. D.; Pfeifer, S. P.: The population genetics of crypsis in vertebrates: recent insights from mice, hares, and lizards. Heredity; Nature Publishing Group, London 124 (1), pp. 1 - 14 (2020)
Journal Article
Kamei, C. L. A.; Pieper, B.; Laurent, S.; Tsiantis, M.; Huijser, P.: CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Mutagenesis of RCO in Cardamine hirsuta. PLANTS-BASEL 9 (2), 268 (2020)
Journal Article
Kapopoulou, A.; Kapun, M.; Pieper, B.; Pavlidis, P.; Wilches, R.; Duchen, P.; Stephan, W.; Laurent, S.: Demographic analyses of a new sample of haploid genomes from a Swedish population of Drosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 22415 (2020)
Journal Article
Arguello, J. R.; Laurent, S.; Clark, A. G.: Demographic History of the Human Commensal Drosophila melanogaster. Genome Biology and Evolution 11 (3), pp. 844 - 854 (2019)
Journal Article
Hajheidari, M.; Wang, Y.; Bhatia, N.; Vuolo, F.; Franco-Zorrilla, J. M.; Karady, M.; Mentink, R. A.; Wu, A.; Rilwan Oluwatobi, B. R.; Müller, B. et al.; Dello Ioio, R.; Laurent, S.; Ljung, K.; Huijser, P.; Gan, X.; Tsiantis, M.: Autoregulation of RCO by low-affinity binding modulates cytokinin action and shapes leaf diversity. Current Biology (2019)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Haudry, A.; Laurent, S.; Kapun, M.: Population Genomics on the Fly: Recent Advances in Drosophila. In: STATISTICAL POPULATION GENOMICS, pp. 357 - 396. HUMANA PRESS INC, 999 RIVERVIEW DR, STE 208, TOTOWA, NJ 07512-1165 USA (2020)

Preprint (1)

Strütt, S.; Sellinger, T.; Glémin, S.; Tellier, A.; Laurent, S.: Joint inference of evolutionary transitions to self-fertilization and demographic history using whole-genome sequences. eLife 12, e82384 (2023)
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