Publications of A. Faust
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Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
21 (4), pp. 1252 - 1272 (2009)
Misexpression of FATTY ACID ELONGATION1 in the Arabidopsis Epidermis Induces Cell Death and Suggests a Critical Role for Phospholipase A2 in This Process. Plant Cell 2007
Journal Article
581 (17), pp. 3189 - 3196 (2007)
PRT6/At5g02310 encodes an Arabidopsis ubiquitin ligase of the N-end rule pathway with arginine specificity and is not the CER3 locus. FEBS Letters 2006
Journal Article
18 (11), pp. 3015 - 3032 (2006)
Wax-deficient anther1 is involved in cuticle and wax production in rice anther walls and is required for pollen development. Plant Cell
Journal Article
18 (2), pp. 321 - 339 (2006)
The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell
Journal Article
224, DOI: 10.1007/s00425-005-0215-7, pp. 315 - 329 (2006)
Genetic and biochemical evidence for involvement of HOTHEAD in the biosynthesis of long-chain alpha-,omega-dicarboxylic fatty acids and formation of extracellular matrix. Planta 2005
Journal Article
66 (22), pp. 2643 - 2658 (2005)
Apoplastic polyesters in Arabidopsis surface tissues - A typical suberin and a particular cutin. Phytochemistry