Interested in joining our lab?

If you would like join us for using theoretical and/or experimental approaches to understand the dynamics of plant developing tissues, do not hesitate and contact Pau Formosa-Jordan to discuss about future opportunities. In your email please explain clearly your motivation to join our lab in particular (see our book chapter about our approach in this link). Please, note we expect those contacting us will have a strong interest in using quantitative microscopy, quantitative image analysis and/or modelling/theory to understand plant developmental biology.

If you would like to join our lab as a PhD student or postdoctoral researcher, unfortunately there are no available positions at the moment, but you may consider to apply to PhD or postdoctoral fellowships to join our lab. If this is of your interest, please contact us clearly explaining your interests to join your lab and and why you think you would be a good fit with our lab. If we see a potential fit, we will contact you back to discuss about potential projects that align well with your future goals and our lab. 

Students interested in doing a Bachelor or Master project in our lab, please contact us to discuss about possible projects.

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