Academic Writing in English for Doctoral Candidates in the Life and Natural Sciences
- Start: Mar 14, 2023 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Mar 15, 2023 03:30 PM
- Speaker: Lesley-Ann Weiling, Write English
- Location: Online
- Host: Melanie Wölk

This workshop is ideal for those doctoral candidates who already have experience in writing in English but are not native speakers of English. The course addresses the main challenges in writing an academic text for publication and offers tips and techniques to help you write more clearly. After attending this course, you will feel more confident in structuring your academic texts as well as being aware of typical mistakes in academic writing and how to fix them.Seminar contents:• The writing process• General style and structure of academic papers, paragraphs and sentences in the Natural and Life Sciences• Punctuation• Academic vocabulary - words and phrases used to structure papers and improve the written style• Learning from native speakers• Abstracts• Classic mistakes• Improving texts - writing and feedback on your own work• Reflections and next stepsPlease note:As the second day focuses on participants’ writing you are asked to bring a current writing project to the workshop. In addition, you should bring a copy of a native speaker paper from the Natural and Life Sciences area.Also, our training programme is designed for the interaction of the participants. Comparable to face-to-face seminars, we ask you to turn on your camera during online events for an exchange at eye level.