Getting it Right: Scientific Presentation for Doctoral Candidates
- Start: Nov 15, 2023 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Nov 16, 2023 05:00 PM
- Speaker: John Klümpers
- Location: Online
- Host: Melanie Wölk

A good presentation begins with good preparation. You will work on exercises that help you understand the best techniques in developing the right presentation by answering questions like: Who will be present? Where will I give my talk? How can I most effectively present my research material? Body language is an aspect that is covered in any presentation workshop but under these special circumstances, we will cover effectively and efficiently using an online platform to give top-notch presentations. Your voices will play a particularly critical role here. Hence, in advance you will be asked to prepare a presentation of a maximum of five slides about your current research for a non-expert scientific audience.Seminar contents:• Finding out about the situation• Body language• Understanding interests of an audience• Creating better slides• Master discussionsPlease note: Our training programme is designed for the interaction of the participants. Comparable to face-to-face seminars, we ask you to turn on your camera during online events for an exchange at eye level.