Gender & Diversity Competence (for PhD students and postdocs)
PhD Course
- Start: Nov 28, 2019
- End: Nov 30, 2019
- Trainer: Sabine Lerch
- Location: MPIPZ
- Room: SR I

Gender & Diversity Competence – for Respectful and Successful Workplaces
Gender and Diversity
..what are we talking about?
- Descriptions and Definitions
- Implications for our Workplaces
Stereotypes and Prejudices
…how Discrimination occurs
- Individual Socialisation and Background
- Group Dynamics
Gender in Science and Business
…to know the Difference
- Special Circumstances of Women
- Communication and Negotiation
- Conflict Handling Styles
Forms of Discrimination
…become aware!
- Subtle Biases – severe Effects
- Harassment and Mobbing
Handling Discrimination
…everybody’s Responsibility!
- Interventions for the Affected Person
- Possible steps for Bystanders
- Help from Official Side
Benefits of Diversity
…how to bring them along
- Factors of Team Work and Creativity
- Individual Success Strategies